Dr. Levy is a practicing transpersonal modern psychoanalyst, and eclectic psychodynamic psychotherapist in private practice in Westport, Connecticut. Eclectic psychodynamic psychotherapy is understanding the psychology of an individual, couple, family, or group by utilizing the most effective systems, methods, and sources. Dr. Levy specializes in the growth of an individual and helping to create nurturing relationships. He is also well known for his treatment of mental and emotional disorders of all forms. Dr. Allen Levy works with individuals, couples, families, and groups.
Dr. Allen Levy is a certified Modern Psychoanalyst having graduated from the Philadelphia School of Psychoanalysis, Union University, and Columbia University School of Social Work. Dr. Levy has led groups for over 40 years both locally and internationally. Dr. Levy was a senior faculty member for The Center for Group Studies in New York City from 1990 until 2010. As well, he served as a senior staff clinician, and advisor to the Director at Temenos Institute, located in Westport, Connecticut from 2002-2016. He has also served as an adjunct faculty member for Union University and the Philadelphia School of Psychoanalysis.