Why Meditate?

Meditation is the number one antidote to stress – daily stress and especially accumulated stress. Meditation is known to increase productivity and efficiency in the workplace.  Meditation permits the physical body’s energy to increase and balance. Meditation helps increase the ability to concentrate, to focus especially on the daily tasks at hand. Meditation permits the mind to heal from the aberrations of past experience and daily life. Meditation balances the emotions and promotes equanimity and compassion for all life. Meditation is the fastest way to self-actualize and reach the fullness of one’s inner potential. Meditation is the number one process for evolution of consciousness. Through Meditation one can heal every aspect of their life and continue growing from there.

For the greatest degree of effectiveness, daily meditation is best. Upon waking, before eating, or two hours after eating, or before going to bed at night, 20 to 30 minutes of meditation, once or twice a day is all that is needed to maximize all of the benefits that meditation has to offer. A daily routine of meditation becomes a positive habit just like brushing your teeth and eating a meal. It is essential for clearing the mind of the debris of daily life, and such a pleasurable way to do it, too. 



A practical way to start healing the wounds of suffering within us is journaling. Writing our daily thoughts and feelings in a journal is not only therapeutic, it can also be insightful. It is a very effective way to relieve the stresses of our daily lives.

    You can keep the entry, which is entered in your own time, as frequently or infrequently as you want, whenever and wherever you like. You can choose to save it or discard it. Shred it or burn it. Maintain it all, or in part, like a diary or an erasable white board. It’s your journal, your entries, your self-healing process, and yours to do with as you like.

    If you’re in therapy, you can share your journal entry with your therapist, or maybe you’d rather not. It’s yours to reflect upon, gain insight from, and to do with as you please.

    Journaling can be a very safe way, a very personal and private way to get to know your most inner thoughts and feelings, to get to know your personality, your mind and your heart in a deeper, more sincere and more authentic manner than you thought before.

    Through the journaling experience, we open the door wide to the possibility of living life with greater authenticity and integrity of self. Dare to be yourself. Be true to yourself and all who surround you will be influenced in subtle ways to be true to their self more and more.

    Journaling with pen and paper is best as it simultaneously activates and engages different parts of the brain directly connected to stressful experiences, deeper thoughts and emotional realities, and affords the opportunity to release them. However, if you prefer the computer or tablet, it’s better than not. 

    The road to increased self-awareness and freedom is greatly fostered through journaling. Give yourself the chance.

    So why not start journaling today and your growth is on the way.


- Dr. Al Levy